About Us
NEXT CARE INC., Gouri Group Venture initiated the R&D efforts to bring the most contemporary and innovative solutions to enhance our lifestyle at an affordable price. Amazing perfumes/fragrances being a few that'll give you a hint of the immense novel ideas that are being developed to give Hygiene and Lifestyle, the NEXT perspective. NEXT CARE INC. was founded in 2009 in Chandigarh by a group of individuals keeping in mind the affordability and accessibility of hygiene and lifestyle. Within one year in May 2010, a survey conducted by AC Neilson, Next featured as the Youngest Brand in the list of Top 100 Brands which contributed 80% of the sale in General Trade in India. NEXT Care at present has a Pan India presence and has also extended its presence in Nepal and UAE, having a state o art manufacturing unit in Baddi (H.P). This elegant range of perfumes is being manufactured at one of the most modern and technologically advanced manufacturing facility. Powered by the latest equipment’s highly skilled staff, each unit of perfume is subject to stringent quality control measures before being rolled out. Dedicated Quality Check department works round the clock to monitor each and every process and product from the time it enters as a raw material till the time it is packed and send into the market for selling and distribution. We value our commitment to quality would like to stand tall in meeting the same, no matter what it takes to achieve the same. I am happy... I am, is what we want our customers to be.
NEXT CARE INC is the first in India to use unique CP technology for manufacturing their products which in result turns out to be its significant trait i.e. Long Lasting fragrance.NEXT CARE INC range of Body Perfumes and Body sprays are packed and wrapped in world-class packaging thus making it a unique blend of Long Lasting Fragrance and high in appeal packaging.The R&D Team of NEXT, having one of the top perfumes, works day in day out to create new fragrances and develop the products which offer notes unique in their own way thus making it contemporary yet stylish.